Archive for 2014

18.12.14 by Nick Sayes


A well established DMA tradition – the design and fabrication of our christmas card.  Thanks for the hard work Elisabeth (our German intern who did all the hard work :b). [...]

03.12.14 by Nick Sayes

Re-programming the NZ Villa

The Herne Bay house was designed for a young family on an suburban north facing slope with northern aspect looking out over Herne Bay towards the inner Waitamata harbor in [...]

22.09.14 by Nick Sayes

Unravelling of the Villa Typology – HBR Published in Houses

Herne Bay House has been published in the September issue of Houses magazine. “Not so much a deconstruction of the villa typology as it is an unravelling” says architect Daniel [...]

13.08.14 by Nick Sayes

habitusliving – Material, Form, Colour

Originally published in Habitus, Issue 03 2009 – Colour & Light; A House Re-crafted, cover & pg.99-108. Now published on View Article > MATERIAL, FORM, COLOUR: HOUSE BY DANIEL [...]

01.08.14 by Nick Sayes

Fresh Raumati Photos by Patrick Reynolds