Archive for 2011

27.12.11 by Nick Sayes

Stunning Houses Enhance Dramatic Sites

DMA’s Korora on Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand was featured today in the New Zealand Herald. Places on Waiheke Island and the North Shore won the 2011 NZ Institute of [...]

22.12.11 by Nick Sayes

Coming Soon

21.12.11 by Nick Sayes

Forty-Six Square Metres Of Land Doesn’t Normally Become A House

This book starts on the front cover and ends on the back with no empty pages in between – to maximize available space. Which is what the book is about. [...]

14.12.11 by Nick Sayes


15 Modern Black Homes Bringing Inspiration for Elegant and Sober Decorating – (click, this is a link)

09.12.11 by Nick Sayes

Ice Cube reviews The Eames House

“It’s not about the pieces, it’s how the pieces work together” While “McMansions” tend to swallow up the land, Ice Cube says the Eamses “made structure and nature one.” “This [...]