Archive for 2008

08.10.08 by Nick Sayes

Clifton Drive-By Animation

30.08.08 by Nick Sayes

Bukit-Bali Concept Animation

13.08.08 by Nick Sayes


12.08.08 by Nick Sayes


The “Mullet” – Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand The re-piling of a Herne Bay Villa with industrial magnets welding ground clamp, provided the opportunity to readdress the dwelling’s relationship to [...]

27.07.08 by Nick Sayes

on Mexican Surrealism

Daniel’s presentation on Mexican Surrealist gardens, Las Posas, at Pecha Kucha night – Auckland #6 16 June 2008 at Galatos. “architect DANIEL MARSHALL gives an inside view into his recent [...]