Archive for the ‘On the Chalkboard’ Category

19.04.13 by Nick Sayes

Improving the DMA Team Photo

A quick, impromptu and low-fi team photo shoot results in 5 terrible photos. A quick bit of photoshop is required to have all 7 of the DMA team looking somewhat [...]

25.02.13 by Hana Scott

DMA Pub Review 05 – The Portland Public House

Fitted out with doors for tables, and kegs for seats the Portland Public House was a great location for our favorite event of the week. Amongst the menu was Smoked [...]

30.01.13 by Nick Sayes

DMA Pub Review 04 – Freeman and Grey

Annnnd were back … 2013, fresh year, fresh pub review. Today’s (18/01/13) pub of choice  was Freeman and Grey, Ponsonby. It was delightful, and there was free beer on this [...]

25.01.13 by Hana Scott

DMA Pub Review 03 – De Post

Today’s (19/10/12) pub of choice was the De Post, Mt Eden. This week the forecast has been fanging with four seasons in a day, so we chose to hide in [...]

08.10.12 by Hana Scott

DMA Pub Review 01 – Horse & Trap

Fryday Friday pub lunches have become quite a tradition in the office, and its a shame our instigator Mike has been absent lately from such events. Yet we still manage [...]