Archive for the ‘Just A Thought’ Category

28.08.15 by Nick Sayes

Ask An Architect: Using an Architect for a Small House Alteration

Q: Should I use an architect even for a small alteration to my house? A: There is sometimes a perception that engaging an architect is a very costly exercise. However, [...]

18.10.13 by Nick Sayes

Solid Opportunity

Rodger has uncovered an impressive rock formation out on site and Linkedin at 100 Acre Wood.  Can we do something with this pick ats … ?

15.10.12 by Hana Scott

DMA Pub Review 02 – Cavalier

What a horrible day to be stuck outside enjoying a few jugs and a burger in the hot hot sun… Today’s (12/10/2012) pub of choice was The Cavalier in Freemans [...]

05.10.12 by Nick Sayes

Re: Relocating Bean Rock Lighthouse

Letter to the editor regarding the Ports suggestion to relocate Bean Rock Lighthouse.  Published in the NZ Herald, Tuesday October 2, 2012.  Ever so slightly edited.  Unedited below. Regarding: “Tony [...]

11.05.12 by Mike Hartley

Wise Words from Zumthor

Chinks in sealed objects Buildings are artificial constructions.  They consist of single parts which must be joined together.  To a large degree, the quality of the finished object is determined [...]