Archive for 2012

13.06.12 by Nick Sayes

克罗拉 别墅

Korora was published in Chinese magazine – Life Element《生活元素》- in November 2011. Article by Dian 汤佳音.  The article and photographs below. KORORA Project. 克罗拉 别墅 建筑所:  Daniel Marshall Architects, 设计师: [...]

22.05.12 by Nick Sayes


Written by Daniel Marshall for the HOME New Zealand Magazine Blog. Chicago is a city deservedly proud of its architectural heritage, where even the doorman at Mies van der Rohe’s [...]

11.05.12 by Mike Hartley

Wise Words from Zumthor

Chinks in sealed objects Buildings are artificial constructions.  They consist of single parts which must be joined together.  To a large degree, the quality of the finished object is determined [...]

03.05.12 by Nick Sayes

Twelve Questions with Markoni Tonga, K’ Rd Local

NZ Heralds 12 Questions with Markoni Tonga, the K’ Rd cleaner. Karangahape Rd is arguably New Zealand’s most famous street. It is chaotic, colourful and, thanks to Markoni Tonga, clean. [...]

05.04.12 by Nick Sayes


Sited on the edge of the ancient crater that embraces Orakei Basin with extravagant views to inner Waitamata harbour and Auckland city. The brief was very specific, with garaging a [...]