13.10.11 by Nick Sayes

2011 NZIA Auckland Branch Award for Elmstone

Daniel Marshall Architects received an NZIA Local Award (Interior Architecture) for Elmstone at the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) NZ Architecture Awards (Auckland) yesterday – Wednesday 13 October.

A second award was received for Korora.

Juror’s Citation

This family house incorporates elegantly design, surprising and delightful kitchen and bathroom areas, and well-resolved cabinetry.  The consistent palette and subtle material changes throughout contribute to the effectiveness of the house’s interior architecture.

Judges:  Gary Lawson (convener), Tim Hay, Max Herriot and Kate Rogan.

Daniel Marshall Architects are very happy to receive an NZIA New Zealand Architecture award for Elmstone.  We are particularly pleased that the interior of Elmstone has been recognised, as interior architecture forms a core aspect of our service and is integral to well designed home.

Bumper crop of designs recognised in Auckland Architecture Awards – NZ Herald

Auckland Architecture Awards – NZ Herald Photo Gallery

Cause for optimism in 2011 Auckland Architecture Awards – NZIA

NZIA Local Architecture Awards, Auckland Winners 2011 – NZIA

13.10.11 by Nick Sayes

2011 NZIA Auckland Branch Award for Korora

Daniel Marshall Architects received an NZIA Local Award (Residential Architecture – Houses) for Korora at the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) NZ Architecture Awards (Auckland) yesterday – Wednesday 13 October. [...]

06.10.11 by Nick Sayes

In Memory of Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Designed on Mac

30.09.11 by Nick Sayes

How to open a Peroni with a DMA designed extrusion

Functional in all respects – the DMA designed HB370 continuous draw pull, available from Halliday Baillie doubles as a Peroni bottle opener.

29.09.11 by Nick Sayes

Korora Published in ARQ & Design

ARQ & Design July/August 2011. pg 38-43