Archive for the ‘Projects (portfolio)’ Category

18.12.02 by Nick Sayes

Arney Alteration

Precondition: a rational 1968 house with a gracious cartesian grid of timber posts and beams on unstable ground… Addition: the upper level was balanced upon 4 cast insitu concrete columns [...]

18.12.01 by Nick Sayes

Piha Bach

Precondition: …black sand, relentless ocean, jagged basalt and a sky that dances between fiery white and violent seething black. fire destroyed most of the original bach… Regeneration: the concept was [...]

18.12.01 by Nick Sayes

Villa Alteration

Bathroom: functional nodes were placed within an historical pre-condition, almost as found objects. the aesthetic was consistent with subsequent stages of alteration whilst maintaining a dialogue with the language of [...]

12.12.01 by Nick Sayes

Fitzpatrick House

The entrance is almost like a waterfall with the glass providing the water element and the concrete as stone. the precast panels frame the view and the glass is used [...]