Archive for the ‘Published Articles & Awards’ Category

13.10.11 by Nick Sayes

2011 NZIA Auckland Branch Award for Korora

Daniel Marshall Architects received an NZIA Local Award (Residential Architecture – Houses) for Korora at the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) NZ Architecture Awards (Auckland) yesterday – Wednesday 13 October. [...]

29.09.11 by Nick Sayes

Korora Published in ARQ & Design

ARQ & Design July/August 2011. pg 38-43

08.09.11 by Nick Sayes

Elmstone Published in HOME New Zealand

August/September 2010 issue of HOME New Zealand Solid State Text: Jeremy Hansen Photography: Emily Andrews

01.09.11 by Nick Sayes

Elmstone Wins Sustainable Concrete Award

Presented at the ninth International Symposium on High Performance Concrete Design in Rotorua – DMA’s 9 Elmstone House was awarded a Concrete³ Sustainability Award for Excellence in Residential Concrete Construction. The Awards [...]

25.08.11 by Nick Sayes

Corinth House WINS Resene Total Colour Award 2011

Corinth House by Daniel Marshall Architects picked up a Resene Total Colour Award for Best Residential Interior – announced last night.  The Resene Total Colour Awards celebrate innovative and excellent [...]