Archive for 2012

05.10.12 by Nick Sayes

Re: Relocating Bean Rock Lighthouse

Letter to the editor regarding the Ports suggestion to relocate Bean Rock Lighthouse.  Published in the NZ Herald, Tuesday October 2, 2012.  Ever so slightly edited.  Unedited below. Regarding: “Tony [...]

20.08.12 by Nick Sayes


The site is accessed down a long right-of-way on a ledge carved out of a northwest facing Remuera slope previously occupied by an ageing house and a tennis court. The [...]

10.08.12 by Nick Sayes

Student Sectional Models of Korora

Daniel is currently running a paper at Auckland University which investigates designing within context, specifically the New Zealand landscape.  As an appetiser, students have studied DMA’s Korora project and constructed [...]

30.07.12 by Nick Sayes

Raumati Teaser

Coming soon …

14.06.12 by Nick Sayes

An Interview with Daniel Marshall

Maria of Design Elements has recently published her recent Interview with Daniel. “Success is feeling that you have a mastery in the craft you have chosen.”  Daniel Marshall Loving the [...]