Remuera, Auckland. New Zealand – The brief for the project asked for two houses on the same site each with a three car garage, one house being four bedroom for the clients and their grown children and the other house to be two / three bedrooms. The second house became affectionately referred to as the “dinghy”. Inspired by the Lovell Heath House by Richard Neutra – the massing of the form was arranged around a central piazza, which allowed for the comfortable maneuvering of vehicles and unified the arrangement of the two dwellings. Inside the house, the architectural arrangement of space and limited palette provides a backdrop and counterpoint for the owner’s flamboyant taste.
Conceptually representing sheets of canvas stretched out under the Pohutakawa, this 21st century Bach explores the three dimensional complexity made possible by the cutting edge of computer aided design. Client [...]
Auckland, CBD. New Zealand This design for auckland’s only couture designer transformed an awkward retail area into a series of elegantly connected spaces that display the clothing to its full [...]
This project involved significantly altering an existing house to fully take advantage of its position on one of the north shore best locations. Natural stone, steel and glass were extensively [...]