Archive for the ‘DMA Stuff’ Category

04.02.06 by Nick Sayes

Urban House Concept Sketch

18.12.05 by Nick Sayes

Adrienne Winkelmann

Auckland, CBD. New Zealand This design for auckland’s only couture designer transformed an awkward retail area into a series of elegantly connected spaces that display the clothing to its full [...]

18.12.05 by Nick Sayes

Lakeview House

This project involved significantly altering an existing house to fully take advantage of its position on one of the north shore best locations. Natural stone, steel and glass were extensively [...]

12.12.05 by Nick Sayes

Omaha House

This holiday home is arranged around the rituals of new zealand beach utopia. It is the control and celebration of the environmental conditions – wind / sun / sea that [...]

05.12.05 by Nick Sayes

Urban House

This is an exciting urban house in the inner suburbs of auckland. the unusual doglegged and narrow site was maximised by using the central area as a courtyard which provides [...]