08.10.12 by Hana Scott

DMA Pub Review 01 – Horse & Trap


Friday pub lunches have become quite a tradition in the office, and its a shame our instigator Mike has been absent lately from such events. Yet we still manage to drag ourselves out of the office and away from our computer screens to enjoy a classic beer and pub meal after a long week.

This is a first, of many to come, pen-to-paper friday lunch pub review from DMA.

Friday’s (21/09/2012) pub of choice was The Horse and Trap in Mt Eden.

Upon our arrival there was quite a gathering, so I knew this had to be a promising new Fry-day fav.

Without hesitation we headed for the sunniest spot outside on the deck, and with regret got quickly slammed by some mild yet rare chilly easterly winds.

The staff instinctively realized the effect this had on our experience and were quick to offer us a wind block carefully constructed of two heat max gas heaters which in turn changed the climate considerably. Almost immediately after the atmosphere got high appraisals from all and we got started on some quality chat.

We had a pleasing view of the rear end of an office block delicately dressed in architectural features of corrugated iron, curves and aqua tinted glass.

Cam was also quite excited at the prospect of frequent trains rolling by, and it did prove to be quite a treat. I even got a delayed toot toot from one driver.

The specialty beers were somewhat dare at $11.50 but on the other hand very satisfying on the taste buds.

The food on the menu was an array of classic pub meals with a slight twist. Nick and Cam indulged in a snapper burger with fries each. Matt had an open steak sammy accompanied also with fries. I, however, went for salt and pepper squid salad with taboulei and it was delicious.

Points Review

A complex and well thought out scoring system has been recorded in the office …

All in all, a great time was had!
We shall return.

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